120 Years of Electronic Music

Electronic Musical Instrument 1870 - 1990




Instrument Inventor Country Date

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The Musical Telegraph Elisha Grey USA 1876
The Singing Arc William Duddel United Kingdom 1899
The Telharmonium Thaddeus Cahill USA 1897

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The Choralcello Melvin Severy USA 1909
The "Intonarumori" Luigi Russolo Italy 1913
The Audion Piano Lee De Forest USA 1915
The Optophonic Piano Vladimir Rossiné Soviet Union 1916
The Theremin Leon Termen Soviet Union 1917
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The Sphäraphon Jörg Mager Germany 1921
The Staccatone Hugo Gernsbak Germany 1923
The Pianorad Hugo Gernsbak Germany 1926
The Dynaphone René Bertrand France 1927
The Celluphone Pierre Toulon & Krugg Bass France 1927
The Clavier à Lampes A.Givelet & E.Coupleaux France 1927
The Ondes-Martenot Maurice Martenot France 1928
Piano Radio-Électrique A.Givelet & E.Coupleaux France 1929
The Givelet A.Givelet & E.Coupleaux France 1929
The Sonorous Cross Nikolay Obukhov France 1929
The Hellertion B.Helberger & P.Lertes Germany 1929

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The Trautonium Dr Freidrich Trautwein Germany 1930
The Ondium Péchadre H. Péchadre France 1930
The Rhythmicon Henry Cowell & Leon Termen USA 1930
The Theremin Cello Leon Termen USA 1930
The Westinghouse Organ R.C.Hitchock USA 1930
The Sonar N.Anan'yev Soviet Union c1930
Saraga-Generator Wolja Saraga Germany 1931
The "Ekvodin" Andrei Volodin & K.Kovalski Soviet Union 1931
The Trillion Tone Organ A. Lesti & F. Sammis. USA 1931
The Variophone Yevgeny Sholpo Soviet Union 1932
The Emiriton A.Ivanov & A.Rimsky-Korsakov Soviet Union 1932
The Emicon N.Langer USA 1932
The Rangertone Organ Richard H.Ranger USA 1932
L'Orgue des Ondes Armand Givelet France 1933
Syntronic Organ I.Eremeef & L.Stokowski USA 1934
The Polytone Organ A. Lesti & F. Sammis USA 1934
The Hammond Organ Laurens Hammond USA 1935
The Electrochord - USA 1936
The sonothèque L. Lavalée France 1936
The Heliophon Bruno Hellberger Germany 1936
The Grösstonorgel Oskar Vierling Germany 1936
The Welte Licht-Ton-Orgel E.Welte Germany 1936
The Singing Keyboard F. Sammis USA 1936
The Warbo Formant organ Harald Bode & C. Warnke Germany 1937
The Kaleidophon Jörg Mager Germany 1939
The Novachord L Hammond & C.N.Williams USA 1939

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The Voder & Vocoder Homer Dudley USA 1940
The Univox Univox Co. UK 1940
The Multimonica Harald Bode Germany 1940
The Pianophon - - 1940
The Ondioline Georges Jenny France 1940
The Solovox Hammond Organs Company USA 1940
The Electronic Sackbut Hugh Le Caine Canada 1945
The Tuttivox Harald Bode USA 1946
Hanert Electric Orchestra J. Hanert USA 1945
The Minshall Organ - USA 1947
The Clavioline M. Constant Martin France 1947
The Melochord Harald Bode Germany 1947
The Monochord Dr Freidrich Trautwein Germany 1948
The Free Music Machine Percy Grainger & Burnett Cross USA/Australia 1948

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The Electronium Pi René Seybold Germany 1950
The Polychord Organ Harald Bode USA 1950
Dr Kent's Electronic Music Box Dr Earle Kent USA 1951
The Clavivox Raymond Scott USA 1952
The RCA Synthesiser I & II Harry Olsen & Hebert Belar USA 1952
The Composertron Osmond Kendall Canada 1953
MUSIC I-V Software Max Mathews USA 1957
Oramics Daphne Oram United Kingdom 1959
The Siemens Synthesiser H.Klein & W.Schaaf Germany 1959
The Side Man Wurlitzer USA 1959

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Milan Electronic Music Studio director: Luciano Berio Italy 1960
Moog Synthesisers Robert Moog USA 1963
The Mellotron & Chamberlin Leslie Bradley United Kingdom 1963
Buchla Synthesisers Donald Buchla USA 1963
The Donca-Matic DA-20 Keio Corp Japan 1963
The Synket Paul Ketoff United Kingdom 1963
Tonus/ARP Synthesisers Philip Dodds USA 1964
PAiA Electronics, Inc John Paia Simonton USA 1967
MUSYS Software David Cockrell & Peter Grogno United Kingdom 1968
EMS Synthesisers Peter Zinovieff & David Cockrell United Kingdom 1969

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GROOVE System Max Mathews USA 1970
The Optigan Mattel Inc. USA 1970
The Electronium-Scott Raymond Scott USA 1970
Con Brio Synthesisers - USA 1971
Roland Synthesisers Roland Corporation Japan 1972
Maplin Synthesisers Trevor G Marshall Australia/USA 1973
The Synclavier New England Digital Corporation USA 1975
Korg Synthesisers Korg Japan 1975
EVI wind instrument Nyle Steiner USA 1975
EDP Wasp Chris Hugget UK 1978
Yamaha Synthesisers Yamaha Corp Japan 1976
PPG Synthesisers Wolfgang Palm Germany 1975
Oberheim Synthesisers Thomas Oberheim USA 1978
Serge Synthesisers - - 1979
The Fairlight CMI Peter Vogel & Kim Ryrie Australia 1979

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Simmons Drum Synthesisers Simmons UK 1980
Casio Synthesisers Casio Ltd Japan 1981
The McLeyvier David McLey USA 1981
Kawai Synthesiser Kawai Musical Instrument Co Japan -
The Emulator Emu Systems USA 1981
Waldorf Germany -
Oxford Synthesiser Company Chris Hugget United Kingdom 1983
Akai Musical Instruments Akai Corporation Japan 1984
Ensoniq Synthesisers & Samplers - USA 1985
Steinberg Software Steinberg Germany -
GEM Synthesisers - - -
Crumar Synthesisers - - -
Kurzweil Synthesisers/Samplers Raymond Kurzweill USA/Korea 1983
Sequential Circuits - USA -
Alesis Corporation Keith Barr USA 1984
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